Community Guidelines

The following is a clear community guideline to ensure a positive and respectful environment, helping foster a supportive community.

Respect and Inclusivity:

Treat every member respectfully, regardless of background, identity, or opinions. Foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.

Constructive Engagement:

Engage in discussions and feedback constructively. Disagreements are natural, but express your viewpoints in a manner that promotes dialogue rather than discord.

No Hate Speech or Harassment:

Do not tolerate or engage in any form of hate speech, harassment, or discrimination. This includes but is not limited to, offensive language, personal attacks, and derogatory comments.

Content Appropriateness:

Ensure that all shared content aligns with the community’s sci-fi focus. Avoid sharing explicit or offensive material that could be deemed inappropriate.

Intellectual Property Respect:

Respect the intellectual property of others. If you share work or ideas that aren’t your own, give proper credit to the creators and respect copyright laws.

No Spam or Self-Promotion Without Context:

Avoid excessive self-promotion without providing context or value. Spamming the community with unrelated content or promotional material is discouraged.

Collaboration and Support:

Encourage collaboration and support fellow community members in their creative endeavors. Share knowledge, resources, and insights to uplift the entire community.

Privacy and Confidentiality:

Respect the privacy and confidentiality of other members. Do not share personal information without consent, and be mindful of the sensitivity of specific topics.

Reporting and Moderation:

If you encounter any behavior that violates these guidelines, report it immediately. We will address issues promptly and fairly.

Adherence to Platform Rules:

If the community is hosted on a specific platform (e.g., social media, forums), adhere to the platform’s rules and guidelines in addition to our community guidelines.

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